London Central and West (LCW) started in 1994 as a local GP co-operative, and has evolved into one of London's largest and most successful providers of integrated urgent care services covering a population of about 3.7 million. In 2014, LCW became a Certified Social Enterprise/Community Benefit Society and invests any surplus in delivering and improving services to patients.

LCW was the first London provider to go live with a 24/7 Integrated Urgent Care service covering North Central London. 

We have increased our skill mix of clinicians to include GPs, Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, Paramedics, and Pharmacists, ably supported by our expanded non-clinical support teams.

We work in partnership with Commissioners, Acute and Community Trusts, GP Federations, PCNs and other health and social care organisations in the development of services, including:

  • North West London IUC from November 2020 in partnership with the London Ambulance Service and PPG: this includes a 24/7 Clinical Assessment Service run jointly with PPG
  • Two Urgent Treatment Centres (UTC) located at Charing Cross and Hammersmith hospitals with a co-located GP practice of 10k patients
  • Inner North West London Single Point of Referral for the Community Independence Team
  • Care home / telemedicine service delivering an enhanced response to 140 care homes in North West London.

LCW is a consistently high performer in all aspects of service delivery as well as other patient safety initiatives and compliance with best practice and statutory regulation. We are keen to innovate and collaborate and have supported many NHSE and local technology and workforce pilots within the development of Integrated Urgent Care.

London Central & West Unscheduled Care Collaborative St. Charles Centre for Health and Wellbeing, Exmoor Street St Charles Hospital, W10 6DZ, London

See map: Google Maps