Types of Membership

Full Membership

Social enterprise and other not-for-profit organisations providing healthcare services in the United Kingdom can join Urgent Health UK as full members and participate in the annual quality audit and benchmarking programme.

Associate Membership

Organisations which are not current providers of healthcare services in the United Kingdom may wish to join UHUK.

They might fall into the following categories;

  • Commissioners, other trade associations, representative bodies, etc which want access to workshops, conferences and other information and wish to join in the dialogue on a range of issues.
  • Potential social enterprise and other not-for-profit providers which have not yet won a contract or started trading but would like access to a range of information and services from UHUK
  • Social enterprise and other not-for-profit providers of healthcare services based outside the United Kingdom

Associate members have access to a range of information and services but do not participate in the quality audit and benchmarking programme and cannot vote at members’ meetings.

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